
Parasitic Zombies are human beings who have succumbed to the effects of an outside entity or parasite, thus losing control over their own bodies. Parasitic Zombies already exist in our world. Several forms of fungus have the ability to latch onto their host and take control of their higher brain functions, causing them to unwittingly do their bidding. Thankfully, these fungi only exist in insect life; but that can change in the blink of the eye. Below, you will find all the information needed to get a good understanding of the many causes and effects of a possible parasitic zombie outbreak. You will also get a look into the physiology and behavioral patterns of zombies. It is always best to know your enemy.
An ant infected with a real zombie causing fungus
The outbreak of a parasitic zombie epidemic would be considered far less widespread and sudden than that of viral or toxic zombies, but nonetheless, it is equally as dangerous. This is because the spreading of parasitic agents, such as fungi and bacteria, is usually via direct contact of the infection with the host. In the case of parasitic zombies, this would be done via bite or infected wound. This would (hopefully) negate the possibilities of airborne pathogens present in other zombie infection scenarios.
Although the presence of mind controlling parasites is generally seen in smaller organisms such as insects and small animals, it is not unreasonable to assume that some strain of parasite may one day target humans as their host. If and when they do, it will more likely be a naturally occurring phenomenon, possibly an evolved form of fungus that has run out of hosts, and has chosen humans as a new source of breeding and nourishment.
A plague of this magnitude is not out of the realm of human blunders. Molecular biologists have a habit of tinkering with things far more dangerous than they care to admit in the name of science. Without the proper safety measures in place, a parasitic organism can easily spread like wildfire across the world.
Despite the cause, the threat is still the same. Without containment, a parasitic zombie outbreak could overrun the world.
Infection and Reanimation
As the initial unlucky few are infected with the zombie causing parasite, they will begin seeking out new hosts in an effort to propagate their species. As with most types of zombies, the infection will typically spread via direct contact of infected blood, saliva, or other body tissues and fluids. This is usually seen in the form of a bite or an infected wound such as a scratch.
Since the large majority of microbial parasitic organisms live inside the body of their host, they will need to find some way to gain entry into the body. These organisms also tend to not have a very good life expectancy when exposed to air, outside of the hosts body. This is why the bite is so integral to the parasitic infection process. Without the open wound cause by the zombies bite to directly spread infected materials (i.e. infected saliva to the healthy blood stream), the parasite would be unable to spread to and replicate inside a new host.
Similar to a viral zombie, after the new host is infected, the parasite goes to work restructuring and tailoring the host's body to its needs. This is generally referred to as the "incubation period". During this time period, the body undergoes several changes. Systems and body functions that are not essential to the parasite's reproduction are shut down. Most of the host's basic thought processes are diminished, the body can no longer regulate its temperature correctly, and fevers ensue. Motor functions are slowed, and the body is weakened. The host slowly loses its grasp on conscious thought. The parasite completely takes over, and the host, for all intensive purposes is dead. The body may also under go several physical changes as well. Often times, muscle mass and density increases, the production of fluid from the saliva glands also increases. This allows for a stronger more potent bite to aid in passing the replicated parasite along to another host.
The incubation period varies from person to person. There are several factors that come into play - the host's immune system, bite location (meaning that bites on or near major arteries or veins will spread the infection much faster than small bites or scratches), ambient temperature, etc... Incubation can be as fast as one minute and last as long as several days, but generally only takes a few minutes. After the parasite has completed its transformation of the host's body, it reanimates. The recently diseased host seems to spring back to life, a shell of its former self. It is now driven by the instinct to pass along the parasite to the next host.
A parasitic organism attacking a healthy cell
Although the parasite relies on the host's body for life (as all parasites do), it is not very well maintained. With many of its major systems shut down, the body is open to a large number of infections and diseases. If the parasite is fungal based, the body may show signs of fungal growth or even biodegradation. Its movement is generally slow and erratic with very poor motor skills and coordination. Its walk is clumsy and unbalanced at best, and is commonly referred to colorfully as "the zombie shuffle". Because the parasite still needs the host for life, cellular decay is generally far slower than that of their viral zombie counterparts. Although far slower, decay still occurs in all parts of the body including the eyes, leaving zombies with a very poor sense of sight. This in turn makes them even more erratic as they attempt to function with their impaired senses. Surprisingly enough, zombies seem very sensitive to sound and light. Some theorize that, instinctually, sound and light (what little they can see) are simple signs of life and go out like beacons that draw zombies to them like a moth to a flame (so to speak).
Mentally, the parasite is in complete control, and has only one goal in life, replication. When a new host is spotted, the zombie aggressively pursues it until the potential host is infected, or the zombie is stopped for good.
Although they are no longer human, it is important to realize that they were once human, and oftentimes still retain small bits of instincts and habits common to everyday life. For example, instinctually zombies still remember how to walk, crawl, eat, chew, bite, and even make simple noises such as grunts and screams. Habitually, zombies "seem" to remember that you can gain entry into a location via a door or window. They also "seem" to remember how to use a door, and that glass can shatter if enough force is applied. Zombies are also known to congregate in areas that are common places to be in every day life; for example, a shopping mall, or place of business. Little is known as to why zombies actually behave this way, but it is safe to assume that some portion of their memory may still remain.
Termination and Containment
Parasitic Zombies are extremely resilient creatures. Since they exist on only the most basic of body functions, they have little (if any) need for any of their internal organs. This trait allows them to sustain severe damage to the body without stopping. Zombies have been known to take dozens of rounds of bullets, have limbs destroyed or severed, and even have their body be cut in half. All this does little to stop them, and will only serve to slow them down at best.
The only method that has proven effective in completely stopping and "killing" a zombie is destruction of the brain. Decapitation is also often effective, but in some cases, the severed head has been known to function independently of the body for a period of time, although this is rare. Given time, the effects of decay on the body will eventually reach the brain, and the zombie will effectively "rot to death". It is unsure exactly how long this will take, but it is reasonable to assume that it is possible to outlast a zombie outbreak.
Examples of a Parasitic Zombie in Popular Culture
- The video game "Resident Evil 4" featured zombies created by the introduction of biological parasite into a localized village in Europe.
- Though they are not officially called Zombies, The popular series "Halo" features a race known as "The Flood", deadly creatures transformed by a parasitic organism.
- The "Half-Life" series features a creature known as a "Head Crab", which latches onto a host, altering it's body, and turning it into a vicious killing machine.
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