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I think that a lot of you are going to enjoy this section. Basically this is the "how to" section of things that are not explained in detail in other sections. We will be covering everything you could ever think of. A plethora of topics, from how to fortify your current location, to how to make a good zombie weapon from things around your home. Additionally, we'll be offering some basic survival topics, such as, how to start a good fire. Basically this is the MacGyver section of Zombie Crisis.

This is the knowledge that is going to save your life when you're in a tight spot with minimal resources. The time when something important needs to be done and all you can say to yourself is, "How the fuck do I do this?!?" Let’s say you were on the run and made your way into someone's house for safety. There is no one occupying the house, there's no power, no real weapons, no running or bottled water, and almost no food. What are you going to do to compensate for these problems or fix them? How are you going to get food, defend yourself, keep zombies from getting in? Instead of curling up in the fetal position waiting to die, you could instead read our tutorials and be as prepared as possible for when the time comes.

If you have something that we didn't think of drop us an email and we will research and develop the best method for the situation you need a solution for.

Building a 72-hour kit
Author: Joe
From the initial onslaught, your survival will depend on your training and preparation. The first three days (or 72 hours) will decide the fate of most of the world's population. Being prepared for these crucial days should be the number one priority for any survivalist. This tutorial will guide you on what to pack to be ready and mobile at the first blood sign of the walking dead.
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