
The wooden baseball bat is a great weapon which can be found in pretty much any house and is readily available at any sporting goods store. It requires no license to purchase, and if you keep a glove and ball in you car no one will question you having it with you. The wooden baseball bat is versatile and requires little to no training to use. It is typically made from ash, a hard wood known for its elasticity, which is also commonly found in tool handles and bows.
Functionality [7/10]
A Wooden Bat
The wooden bat is a relatively functional weapon to use against a zombie. It is used as a bludgeoning weapon and, if swung with enough force, will break bones and cave in skulls. For the most part, bats are a relatively bloodless weapons as they tend to not excessively break the skin, so chances of infection by bludgeoning a zombie to death are relatively lower than that of an edged weapon. The bat is also a good silent weapon for dispatching several zombies at a time without drawing attention from other zombies in the area with loud noises like gunshots. A wooden bat has a solid core and, when swung, its weight will help with the power delivered on impact. This differs from an aluminum bat that is swung faster but relies on your strength for the blow since the bat is so light.
Effectiveness [8/10]
Because the wooden bat is easily accessible and fairly reliable, the bat makes a good secondary armament. Since a bat is basically a specialized club, it has multiple uses, and can be used to gain entry to buildings by breaking windows and doors, and can also be used to support loads and brace doors. Against a large group of zombies, the bat would not be your first choice of weapons. In order to kill a zombie with a bat, it takes brute, blunt force to the head to cave the skull in and destroy the brain. Unless the zombie you are facing is old and decayed, this will generally not be accomplished in one shot, so it may take a few whacks to turn a head into a squishy pile of flesh, crushed bones, and brain matter. Against a large mob of zombies, the effectiveness of the bat is greatly reduced since you cannot kill them in rapid succession. By the time you kill one, you will be fending off more. The main problem with using a bat is range. You have to be close, and there is no room for error.
Durability [6/10]
A broken wooden bat
Unless you are a major league baseball player, bats are fairly tough and durable. They can easily stand up to a good pounding. However, wooden baseball bats can break especially if sufficient force is used, or if you are hitting a strong solid object such as a door, or in some cases a head. Once a bat is broken it has little more use than as fire wood.
Portability [9/10]
The bat is very portable. It can easily be strapped to any back pack or your hand. Standard wooden bats are about 42 inches (107 cm) long, and weigh about 2.25 pounds (1.02 kg), making them fairly light. However, they are a little long for effective close-combat fighting.
Practicality [8/10]
A baseball bat can be a very practical secondary weapon and can be used to easily drop a zombie or two when stealth is required. As your only weapon, we would suggest finding something else. You don’t want to go toe to toe with a zombie if it is avoidable.