
Zombie infection types and causes
When the time comes, it is unclear what will bring this pain upon humanity. Pop culture and history have provided us with nearly endless scenarios as to the cause of their inevitable uprising. Below we will be going over some popular and widely excepted scenarios, along with a few you may find particularly interesting.
Viral Zombies
This is perhaps the most common and widely accepted version of the zombie in existence. Basically, the “Zombie Virus” would spread from person to person via infected blood or a bite, cursing the victim to the same fate as their attacker. It is also possibly the scariest. Not because of what they are, but because it is probably the most real scenario for the inevitable day the world turns upside down. I say that because, in the present day world, there are already virus’s that do something similar. Take for example the Lyssa virus (rabies). This virus affects the central nervous system causing the infected subject to become disoriented, aggressive, partially paralyzed, and in some cases cannibalistic. The Virus is generally spread through infected, blood, nerves, and saliva, very similar to a zombie bite. There are several other Viral Zombie Scenarios that we will go over much more in depth in our summary of the viral zombie.
Parasitic Zombies
Lyssa virus (rabies) |
Similar in a way to viral zombies, parasitic zombies in turn are caused by a parasitic organism rather then a virus. Again, this is a very real possibility as similar parasites already exist in nature today. Parasites have one purpose in their lives, and that is to reproduce, and sometimes they take drastic measures to see that this happens. A very specific parasitic fungus found in the African rain forests, takes control of the brains of ants directing them upwards to the twigs and leaves above their colonies. Once above the colony, the parasite consumes the body of the ant and rains millions of spores on the colony dooming the rest of the colony to its fate. It is reasonable to assume that a similar parasite may one day exist in humans and be spread through mucus membranes or a zombie bite. Several other theories exist on the possibility of parasitic zombies and can be found in our summary of the parasitic zombie.
Toxic Zombies
This is a very broad classification. The term Toxic Zombie refers to zombies that are created by some form of poor human habit. Some common examples of toxic zombies would be zombies that are created from an accidental chemical spill, or buried radioactive or nuclear waste. This type of zombie is more or less considered purely science fiction. Granted, radiation has been known to cause random forms of mutation and defects, although it is highly unlikely (however possible) that radiation could cause ordinary people to become a form of zombie. Toxic Zombies would be a fairly dangerous form of zombie to faced with, because their very creation is usually a mystery and questionable in nature, making it hard to come up with a proper counter strategy. To read more about theories and information on the Toxic Zombie, please read our full toxic zombie article.
Supernatural Zombies
Supernatural zombies are by far the most dangerous of all the various zombie types. These are creatures that have been created by some form of supernatural means, simply meaning that they don't have to adhere to the most basic physical laws that govern our world. Supernatural zombies are in essence the true “walking dead”. They are reanimated corpses brought forth by some powerful “evil force” to rain chaos on humanity. There are an almost infinite number of scenarios that pose the potential to create supernatural zombies. Anything from demonic possession and dark rituals to passing comets and solar eclipses, basically anything that can’t be explained by conventional science. In the famous words of 1978s “Dawn of the Dead”, “When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” To find out more information about Supernatural zombies please read our in-depth summary.
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